The Association shall represent the European floor coverings industry on a European and international level in ensuring the maintenance of high standards from a social, environmental, economic, ethical and technical or other point of view, in the broadest possible sense Obtainand disseminatie to Members such relevant information about the floor covering industry as may be considered desirable.

What is the EUFCA?


Represent the floor coverings industry as a whole in negotiations with government departments, public bodies, trade associations, non-governmental organizations, technical committees and other organizations and bodies on a national, European and international level on all matters relating to the floor coverings industry as a whole, it being understood that each Member remains however free to represent its own sector as it considers necessary.

Promote the preparation and application of international standards, specifications and classification systems for floor covering and their implementation; Promote any activities that further the interests of the European floor covering industry. The Association is a non-profit Association and shall therefore not primarily pursue profit-making activities. The Association can however, in an accessory way, undertake certain economic activities to support its non-profit activities. The gains of such activities shall be used for the realization of the purpose of the Association. Defined working areas

Work areas


Circular economy, Sustainability

Trade barriers

Chemical/emissions regulations

EDP’s / PCR’s
